Kawthar Al-Adwan Shares Her Experience in Women Empowerment in the Jordan Valley

20 Nov 2019

Amman – Hosted by JMI today, Chairwoman of Al-Ta'awun  Association in South Shuneh area, Ms. Kawthar Al-Adwan, talked about the positive steps that women in the Jordan Valley have taken, particularly those working in the agricultural sector, on social, economic and other levels in  relation to fighting violence.


During the meeting that was moderated by JMI consultant Bayan Al-Tal, Al-Adwan said that she established her association secretly during the first four years for social considerations. She communicated with women business entrepreneurs in Jordan, such as Dr. Asma Khader, resulting in the empowerment of many women in the Valley and helping them put an end to violence committed against them.


The Association, which was established by Ms. Al-Adwan in 1986 and considered to be the first of its kind in the Valley, is not concerned with women empowerment only but also with fulfilling youth and children's needs and the requirements of poor communities in terms of development, support, the provision of work opportunities and assistance.


Al-Adwan sees that among the reasons that dedicated her Association's presence were her tendency for voluntary work, and effecting change gradually in a manner that does not provoke prevailing thinking patterns or clash with them. This is in addition to the conditions in the Valley region, which is considered one of the poverty pockets in the Kingdom, as well as living the woes of the population and those suffering from dialectical issues, maintaining their privacy, and dealing with them wisely and responsibly.
