Social media provides Jordan an opportunity to stimulate its tourism sector

14 May 2020

Jordan Media Institute – Amman


The Jordan Media Institute (JMI) conducted its second remote master’s thesis defense in Journalism and New Media on Wednesday. The thesis demonstrated the opportunity presented by Jordan’s digital reputation in the field of tourism and examined its ability to stimulate one of the kingdom’s most productive sectors.


Using visual communication tools, the student Ayham al-Otoum presented his study which aimed to assess the level of awareness of decision-makers in the private and public sectors about the role of social media in revitalizing Jordan’s tourism sector.


Alongside JMI’s lectures, workshops, and examinations which have been continuing remotely through online learning technologies, a committee of four members in different cities discussed the master’s thesis. The thesis that specializes in tourism analyzed the opinions of 650 professionals working in the tourism sector in the Ministry of Tourism and the Jordan Tourism Board on the government side, and from the Jordan Hotel Association, various tourism agencies, and Royal Jordanian Airlines in the private sector.


The study demonstrated that professionals in tourism, working both in the private and public sectors, have realized the importance of social media in making Jordan an appealing tourist destination, with an understanding that such efforts help fulfill notable political, economic, and social goals for the kingdom.


Otoum’s thesis contended that using social media to enhance Jordan’s digital tourism reputation provides a significant opportunity to support Jordan’s tourism sector, especially since it brings forth large benefits at a minimal cost with its reliance on free global platforms. He also noted that digital platforms provide greater access for tourists around the world, representing the plethora of terrains available to tourists interested in visiting Jordan due to its diverse spectra of tourism, across its marine ecosystems, mountainous areas, deserts, and dynamic urban sites, in addition to its offerings in medical tourism.


Building off of previous studies, his thesis explained that building a strong tourism reputation is reliant on a multitude of factors, including appealing to the tastes and preferences of tourists from different cultural backgrounds, commitment from service providers to foster social bonds, and tourist confidence and satisfaction with their experience. 


According to the thesis, the most significant threat to social media marketing is the absence of legislation and laws specialized in this form of marketing. The thesis highlights insufficient skills among e-marketing teams and social media officers, poor communication with clients, and the absence of social media strategies and social media management tools and plans as additional challenges.


JMI has discussed and held thesis defenses for more than forty specialized academic theses in its master’s program in Journalism and New Media to date. With approximately two hundred and sixty graduates, over ten intakes, the institute’s alumni have been putting to use their advanced skills and playing a critical role in the creation of journalistic content at both local and international levels. JMI is currently accepting applications for its master’s program for the next academic year online through its website.
