JMI Anti-Corruption and Anti-Fraud Policy


JMI follows specific anti-corruption and fraud prevention policies that its staff members are familiar with.

These policies were drafted to protect JMI staff and beneficiaries, as well as to facilitate and develop oversight systems for both the employees and activities.

JMI Anti-Corruption and Fraud Prevention Policy:

This policy applies to all staff members, affiliates and contractors, whether permanent or temporary, and covers all activities undertaken by every employee.

Illegitimate Acts and Activities:

The following acts are examples of violations that necessitate legal and administrative action:

  1. Requesting or accepting bribes for performing any legitimate or illegitimate actions.
  2. Accepting gifts from others within the scope of work relations.
  3. Exploiting the job or attaining personal gains.
  4. Disclosing confidential information related to tenders and projects.
  5. Utilizing JMI facilities or equipment for purposes other than work.
  6. Disclosing or waiving intellectual property rights related to JMI’s properties.
  7. Using the JMI logo for personal purposes.
  8. Submitting false information or reports for private or personal benefit.
  9. Issues related to the security and safety of JMI staff.
  10. Issues related to information and digital security of the institute.
  11. Any acts that entail violating financial policies, laws governing money laundering or terrorism financing.
  12. Any similar acts, whether mentioned or not.

Enforcement Mandate:

The JMI dean or his representatives shall the power to investigate any action that is suspected of involving fraud, corruption or misinformation; as well as any other practice that undermines the institute or violates the laws on money laundering, transfers, waste and bribery. The investigation shall be conducted by an independent committee formed by the dean for this purpose.

All JMI departments and divisions shall commit to the complaints’ receipt policy and submit the complaints to the dean to take a decision and initiate an investigation.

The enforcement of the policy is always associated with ensuring there is no arbitrary use of powers. Therefore, any action shall be preceded by coordination with the relevant legal authority or legal advisor of the institute to ensure that legal rights are respected and the investigation is sound.

Legal References:

  1. All valid Jordanian laws relevant to the issue.
  2. Labor Law.
  3. Contracts signed by the staff, contractors and project implementers.
  4. JMI regulations, including:


  1. JMI ethics code.
  2. AKEED rules and ethics.
  3. Rules and codes governing student behavior.

Response to the investigation:

  1. JMI shall investigate any complaint related to a case of suspected fraud or corruption in accordance with the guidelines of this policy, or the violations outlined in it, without undermining the laws and rights of others. It shall respond to the complainant and report the result.
  2. JMI acknowledges that accepting and verifying complaints opens the door for developing its bylaws and directives to prevent the recurrence of such violations.
  3. If any staff member, project implementer or contractor is proven to have been involved in crimes punishable by the law, the dean may, following legal advice, refer the complaint proceedings to the competent judicial authorities. In all other cases, decisions related to staff members shall be governed by JMI bylaws.


  1. All information and complaints regarding staff shall be treated with absolute confidentiality. Employees shall be informed of the complaints against them involving fraud, corruption or contract violations.
  2. All investigation procedures are confidential and may not be revealed or shared with the staff.
  3. The investigative committee must conclude its investigation and submit a report to the dean within a week after its formation. Its mandate may be extended for another three working days.
  4. Employees shall be given the opportunity to be heard and submit their statements. In all cases, the investigative committee must retain the evidence and ensure it is not destroyed or lost.

Powers of the Investigative Committee:

The team formed to investigate a complaint shall have the following powers – provided its proceedings do not contradict with the valid laws and bylaws:

  1. Listening to the statements made by the subject of the compliant.
  2. Listening to the statements by the witnesses.
  3. Accessing JMI facilities and reviewing its files.
  4. Seeking the assistance of experts and professionals (legal, financial, etc.).
  5. Submitting the necessary recommendations to the dean.


This policy shall be considered valid once it is adopted by JMI Board. The dean shall abide by its enforcement.